
Supriya Deshmukh
4 min readJan 5, 2022
Creativity — Nurture the light within

Creativity fulfills our soul.

Creativity is one of the best ways to connect with our inner selves, forget our worries and immerse in a world of imagination.

In the hustle and bustle of daily living, the calls of social media, and overpowering flows of knowledge and information it is necessary to tune it all out and to tune into our inner self to grant ourselves the silence and peace. Creativity is a way to get in touch with the whispers of the soul, and provide a complete rest. Art is healing, nurturing for the soul, a place of solace for the weary mind, seeking refuge from thoughts, and insane speed of living life.

Not all of us are artists, maybe we are in our own way. When we create art, we allow ourself to feel on a deep level, away from beliefs, thoughts, and any competition. We create for the sheer joy of creation, that is creativity.

We have to allow and teach ourself to be creative. Many have a tough time permitting themselves to be creative. Modern society tends to look down on perceived nonproductive pursuits. But the intangible benefits of creativity are high, leading to good mental and emotional health.

Living a conscious creative life leads to a life lived well. Creativity resides in spirituality, in acknowledging the divine creator as our energy life source. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Cultivating, tuning in, and expanding the positive energy within ourself is important.

Creativity and art do not have an age to begin or an age limit. We start when we feel called to. Creativity is about tapping into our consciousness and activating the beauty within. If you think you are not creative, have you checked if that is true? Or is it just your belief?

Ask yourself, is creativity part of your life? How is it part of? Do you practice it consciously? Do you live creatively? Consciously? Spiritually? I ask this, cause, creativity springs from spirituality.

When we are ready the teacher appears and same for the teacher. The teacher can be in person or through virtual platforms or our own self.

If we feel reservations, doesn’t matter, muster our faith and take the plunge. Jump into this ocean of creativity.

Expect magic. Be and do for the sheer joy.

Creativity is divine gift and we embrace it wholeheartedly. Once we accept the gift, the universe sends guidance and helping hands our way.

Creativity is often seen in spurts; we are frantically creative and then hit a lull. That’s the time to take it easy, to mull over, to just be, and let the process of creation take its direction. It is important to be organic and self-loving in the process of being creative. Don’t judge our work, rather feel the joy we receive. Keep it sacred.

If a particular activity or art does not appeal, don’t force yourself. Move on to a next one, it takes time to get the creative juices flowing and we never know which hidden talent will make its appearance. Keep an open mind, try all art irrespective of your gender, age, or circumstances.

How does one start? We just start! And while starting, you can write a few pages of your thoughts. Writing and journaling is a great start to tuning into our self-awareness. These pages are also the place where we can ask ourself questions on our beliefs, thoughts, argue and discuss.

Nurture your creativity. And how do you do that? Well, you spend time with yourself, go for a walk, treat yourself with love, go to a bookshop, get a drink, go to an art show, listen to music, anything. Do anything that feels fulfilling. Learn to buy small things related to your art, to be in silence with yourself, to be content in small things of daily living.

Some productive ways of nurturing creativity are to meditate, pray, practice yoga, cultivate daily habit of reflective gratitude journaling, and surrender into the spiritual practice. Spending time and being in nature is deeply healing, as is indulging in self-care activities like massages, reiki sessions, taking sound baths. Visiting spiritual places and absorbing the atmosphere, being in quieter places with positive energy to them.

Rest well, sleep well. Maintaining right times to sleep, eating sattvic food, contribute to wellbeing and thus to increasing your creativity. Being conscious of thoughts and consciously reducing mind chatter, finding long-standing desires and actively pursuing them gives a lot of joy.

Taking up activities never explored before — all for the sake of trying it out — this brings in a sense of excitement and keeps the brain fresh.

Be patient and keep on at it, creativity takes time to manifest. But the joys you receive are manifold. Once you welcome yourself into the world of creativity, you start seeing sparkles of beauty and art everywhere you turn.

How do you nurture your creativity? What is your creative activity? Share in your special tips and be an inspiration for someone out here!



Supriya Deshmukh

Writer, Travel Photographer, Design, and Art enthusiast